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Jim Daus Hjernoe

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Jim Daus Hjernøe is a full professor at the Royal Academy of Music in Denmark (RAMA). Jim heads up the RAMA Vocal Center, recognized internationally as the leading European center for Jazz/Pop Choir Directing with teachers, students and collaborators worldwide. Since 2002 his focus has been on improvisational vocal art, developing the innovative Vocal Painting (VOPA) technique, which forms part of his revolutionary teaching concept, The Intelligent Choir (TIC). The TIC methodology sprung from Jim's musical philosophy: to train vocal leaders to inspire their singers to share initiative and responsibility in the musical process through co-creation and experience to be music.

The JimJam workshop - Circle Songs with Vocal Painting

appetizer workshop,1hour 30 minwives

In the JimJam workshop, Jim will teach you practical methods from the TIC (The Intelligent Choir) philosophy, circle songs and vocal painting for making instant music. You don't have to provide any preparation, and everybody can join. Come as you are, and let's have fun together and learn it by doing it: Kucheza - We Are Music!

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